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  • Lavender Herb Garden Aroma Mist 4 Oz
  • Blend Fresh Air Spritz, a Wonderful Aroma Blend
  • Diffused in Distilled Water Aromatherapy Blend, Lavender, Patchouli, Orange, Rosemary, Geranium. Restful Sleep, Calming, Concentration, Pacifying, Focus & Attention.
  • Mellows out friction and hyper-tension in the atmosphere; used in classrooms, offices, and by mental health practitioners.
  • The calming characteristics help people settle down so they can focus, on sleep, learning, and concentration.
  • Mist Purifies the air, clears your mind, calming, balancing, & refreshing vitality.
  • Changes the quality of the air, enhances the air with negative ions.with Lavender Herb Garden Aroma Mist 4 Oz -Jardn de Hierbas Aroma Lavanda Mist

Water, Lavender, Rosemary, Geranium, Orange, & Patchouli.Like the dew after the rain changes and purifies our atmosphere; so does Lavender Herb Garden Aroma Mist. No matter where you are, take charge of your atmosphere, with this invigorating synergy this blend will create a peaceful existence for all involved. It calms hyper-active children so they can concentrate, it releases built up tension so you can focus with a clear perspective. Spray you bedroom, pillows and sheets, pajamas and body to reach a calming restful state of mind for a deep, peaceful sleep.

Agua, lavanda, romero, geranio, Naranja, &Amp; Pachul.Al igual que el roco tras la lluvia de cambios y purifica nuestra atmsfera; tambin lo hace la Lavanda jardn de hierbas aroma Mist. No importa dnde usted est, tome las riendas de su atmsfera, con esta sinergia estimulante esta mezcla crear una existencia pacfica para todos los involucrados. Calma hiper-activa los nios para que puedan concentrarse, libera la tensin acumulado as que usted puede enfocar con una perspectiva clara. Usted Spray dormitorio, almohadas y sbanas, pijamas y cuerpo para alcanzar un estado de nimo tranquilo calmante para un profundo y tranquilo Sueo.

Lavender Herb Garden Aroma Mist 4 Oz - Aire Fresco Spritz

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