$21.95 USD
    Creation Farm' Balm Of Gilead Salve stands on quality and satisfaction you can count on!
  • Balm of Gilead Herbal Salve in one form or another traditionally has been used since the 1600s for minor complaints.
  • Traditionally used as a soothing relief balm for minor discomforts and  many skin conditions
  • Balm of Gilead also is a comforting chest rub.

Balm of Gilead Salve is available in a 4 oz Glass Jar, 4 oz Tin, and a 3-Pack of 4 oz Tin.

 When Europeans first came to North America hundreds of years ago North American native people shared this balm with the newcomers for all types of discomforts. The English settlers named Black Poplar buds for Balm of Gilead which is mentioned in a Psalm in the Holy Bible. 

     Now Benefit from even Faster Shipping & Lower Prices on this amazing Balm of Gilead Herbal Salve. A safe herbal remedy that works, a wonderful and healthier alternative to other potential treatments. 

 IMMEDIATE, LASTING, RELIEF: Balm of Gilead is more often preferred for a soothing muscle rub because it works. It has a pleasant therapeutic Aroma with Marjoram, Peppermint, and Eucalyptus.

Balm Of Gilead Herbal Salve - Balm De Gilead Savilla Herbal From Creation Farm
$21.95 USD

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